7 Reasons Why You Should Try A Meal Delivery Service


Healthy eating especially during work from home when all the snacks are just a few feet away in your kitchen can be a challenge.

But what if all the effort of planning, shopping and chopping could be eliminated and you got perfectly calculated macros with portion control and variety on your table everyday?

That’s where healthy meal delivery services come in handy. They win over consumers with convenience, variety, health and less food wastage.

You must’ve heard about it from a friend or seen it on social media about how these meal prep services help eliminate the legwork and take out the effort of worrying about food completely out of your daily schedule. But is this something you should try ? The concept is simple: a company delivers meals to your door and you eat them. But are meal delivery services worth it?

Let’s look at the pros of a meal delivery service :

Reason # 1

Saves You Time

This is a big one. Meal delivery services can help you maximize your downtime and help you save the most precious commodity you have, time. You have so much to do during the day and not enough time. A good meal delivery service will help you cut down the time of doing grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning. Including the effort to search and plan a menu as well as YouTube how to cook healthy recipes. You can now have more time for your work commitments, the workout you’ve been postponing for next Monday, friends, family or just some more time to relax.

Reason # 2

Avoid food wastage

So you decided to eat healthy and bought a ton of fruits and vegetables, and now you have to throw out the rotten food you never actually got around to eating, sounds familiar?

Getting your meals pre-delivered means not having to buy more than you need, less food in the trash and more money in your bank account. A meal delivery service buys your ingredients for you as well as sends you only the food that you need for the day in biodegradable packaging, so you reduce food and packaging wastage while saving time and money. It’s a win-win sitch.

Reason # 3

Better Sleep

Okay, this one is a long shot. But, hear us out. With all your meals taken care of for the day, week or month, you can relax about your meal planning. And when you don’t have to spend time and energy thinking about what to eat for your breakfast, lunch or dinner, it takes a massive load off your decision making fatigue. This lowers your stress drastically, which in turn will translate to a better shut eye at night.

Reason # 4

A Healthier You

With your stress of planning and kitchen work being reduced, you are already on the right track for better mental health. The meal delivery service also helps you choose healthier food ahead of time, complete with calculated macros and portion control. The more variety of nutritious food that goes into your body, the more success you will have with starting and following an exercise routine to compliment your healthy eating. This will also translate into how you feel everyday, or when you look in the mirror. And a healthier you will be a happier you.

If you’re following a specific diet plan, like low carb, high protein, keto or even have any allergies or dietary restrictions, meal delivery services can make it easy to curate your meal plans accordingly. They will cater to your special diet needs like gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, low carb, etc.

Reason # 5

Develop consistency and achieve your body goals

When you pay for your meal delivery service, you will inadvertently get into a routine. You will eat the food that is delivered to you and it will make it easier to not order junk food when you get snacky.

With you avoiding impulse purchases online, it will help you save money as well as develop healthier habits while you stick to your goals.

When you develop the consistency and accountability to work on yourself everyday, it will improve your health and help you achieve your body goals. As this is a lifestyle change and not just a fad diet that you try for a week and give up on.

Reason #6

Delicious with a side of variety

Your pre-made meals have a ton of variety. And let’s face it, the taste is what will make it stick. Healthy eating has earned a bad rep, but it doesn’t have to be bland and boring. A ton of different options beyond just breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner including desserts sounds much better than eating boiled chicken and vegetables in the name of health.

With  their constantly evolving menus, you get the opportunity to try new dishes from a diversity of cultures you may not have otherwise and could reward yourself with the experience of discovering new foods you love!

The kitchens are run by professional chefs which provides the added benefit of eating quality food that would be served in a restaurant but at a fraction of the price. And these meal delivery services are businesses, which allows them to source fresher and higher quality ingredients in bulk that also make the food even more delicious.

Reason # 7

Health, uncomplicated and effortless

When you decide to pay for a service, it should make your life easier. And when you choose a meal delivery service, you’re essentially making a lifestyle change that is effortless.

And so, a meal delivery service should be at the very top of your priority list. You spend days deciding on a particular item you want to purchase from amazon, for the same 5 minute investment you can now choose your meal plans online. It’s extremely easy to get started.

You sign up, choose your health and fitness goals or talk to an expert, choose your meal plan and checkout. With this you just bought yourself healthy food, peace of mind (and really, can you put a price on that ) and extra few hours in the day to do what you like.

Your friends and family will love the healthier and happier version of you and be inspired to make positive changes themselves. You also support local businesses when you invest in your health with these meal delivery services.

What should you consider before investing in a meal delivery service ?

If you’re thinking about purchasing from an online meal delivery service, not all companies have exactly the same offerings. As you conduct your own research, look for :

Quality of Ingredients :

Does it matter to you if the ingredients in your meals are local, organic, non-GMO, sustainable, or fresh? What about sourcing animal products? If anything is unclear about where the ingredients are sourced from, don’t hesitate to ask. And, will the ingredients in each meal help to support your health and wellness?

Variety/Types of Recipes:

Many companies have sample menus online where you can see if the types of meals they provide are the ones you enjoy eating. It’s great to try new things, but it’s handy to know that you are getting at least a few meals a week that you know you’ll enjoy. How much variety is there from week to week? Does the menu change weekly, biweekly, monthly? Can you pick and choose, or is the menu plan set for you?

Time Consumption:

How long do meals take to get delivered to you? How long will it take to heat your meals? When should you book the meal plans for delivery to begin at a chosen date. Do you need to do any prep work for your meals? Are utensils provided?


Different Meal delivery services are priced according to their offerings, so they vary accordingly. Based on your budget and your health goals, look at the pricing that suits you best. Research online or ask the service themselves. You can also compare it to how much it will cost you if you cook yourself. If you’re a family, consider how you can buy according to the serving sizes.

Options available :

Can you book a trial meal ? Choose from how many meals you want in a day? Or what is the subscription structure like. How big are the portion sizes and what are the macros?

We all have different appetites, so it’s worth looking into reviews about this or asking the company if they can give you an approximate yield of food provided.

Dietary Restrictions:

Are there options if you have allergies or dietary restrictions, or can you request substitutions? Many services also have plans that follow the popular diets like vegan, low carb and keto. If you have severe allergies, you’ll want to ask about cross-contamination in the prepping process.


Meal kit delivery services can use a lot of packaging, as each component of a meal can be wrapped separately and there is also the box itself that the full meal arrives in. Check if the packaging is plastic, or is made from a material that is more Eco-friendly and sustainable.

You can ask if the containers are biodegradable or you can reuse the containers for storage to avoid wastage.

Subscription Commitment:

Do you need to commit to a certain number of meals every day, or can you order whenever the mood strikes? Can you pause your subscription if you are going away for business or traveling with family and friends? Can you skip or stop the service at any time?

The positive takeaways of a Healthy meal delivery service :

·         Allows you to explore new foods and flavors

·         Helps you understand health, nutrition and your body better

·         Cut down on food waste, since you are getting exactly what you need

·         Offer options for different popular diets, allowing you to stick to your culinary nutrition goals

·         Be a healthier alternative to ordering food online everyday.

·         Give you more time to pursue interests aside from cooking and cleaning.

Source - activeat.in

